Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

it's not a Poem, i think

A little boy
With blue shirt and red shoes
With his innocent laugh
Runs away, jumps so high
Just want to catch a beautiful butterfly
A little boy
Holds a sunflower
A beautiful sunflower for his mom
He just feels like it’s the best world for him
He don’t know about the future
He don’t know
Is butterfly still here, fly away in the sky
So high and so free..
He don’t know
Is sunflower always looks beautiful
Like an awesome sun in the morning..
He will never see the world if we always hurt this earth
He will never feel so green, so fresh
And he will never breathe with oxygen again
So now, lets make a better world for our generation
Let them know
What is green
What is fresh
What is nature
What is tree
And all about this planet
If you don’t want to do that
Please think, why do you born a child?
Why do you bring child to this life?
Everyone know, they never ask to borned
But they always say “thanks for born me my wonderful dad and mom”
Though they know this life is not good

written by me "Prinsa" (sannynsani)

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